Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Year Resolutions

It's the End of the Year now. Probably the best time to make up some unrealistic resolutions that we can never achieve!

Here goes!

  1. Lose 20 pounds. seriously, have you seen my spare tyre recently?
  2. Get more business deals (DUHHHHH) lol
  3. Stop pissing my gf off.
  4. Spending more time with my parents.
  5. Train my dog to not jump and scratch my gf, and generally get less excited. lol.
  6. Try to propose to my gf? LOL
  7. Eat healthily. Control my waistline. Live longer.
  8. Be kind, rewind.
  9. Pray more.
  10. Choose my friends wisely.
HMMM. I think these are about the resolutions I have for myself this year.

What about you? :) Happy new year!!!!!!!

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